CRIMOND, the UK's most Northerly track situated 35 miles above Aberdeen.
Now in its 4th decade of continous operation, however before it became a Rod and Stox track the old perimter track was
one of Scotlands early racing circuits in the 1950's & 60's.
Crimond is where Scotlands F1 Grand Prix World Champion Jim Clark made his debut in circuit racing, before going on to
win the F1 G.P World title twice in 1963 & 1965.
The military were then to claim the runways back and today aerials sit on the old runways.
However motor racing was to return to Crimond in June 1970 when the 1st Oval
was built, housed behind the blue grain drier, across from the present track. This track was used for about a year.
Then the track was moved in 1971 to where the grain driers sit today across
from the currrent track, this circuit was used for about 2 years.
The 3rd and current oval at Crimond came into being around 1973/74 and has
proved more durable than it's two predecessors, continuing in use to the present day. Much development has taken place since
the early years with 2 grandstands and a proper barrier between track and spectators. Memories of tyres placed on the ground
to mark out the tracks perimiter just a memorary.
Present day Crimond plays its part with Scottish Hot Rod, Brisca F2's, Saloonstox and a variety of local formula
Crimond Opening Meeting - June 1970 - Present